Terms & Conditions

These terms and conditions are entered into by and between Rogue BJJ Tx and You (hereinafter: “the member”).


The member is obligated to 3, 6, or 12 monthly payments installments that are valid for 3, 6, or 12 consecutive months starting the date the membership was purchased.

Late Fee

Late payments are subject to a $20 late fee.

Renewal and Cancellation

All 3, 6, or 12-month contracts are signed for a 3, 6, or 12-month long period, during which time it cannot be canceled. At the end of the contract period, the member is automatically renewed for 3, 6, or 12 months unless the member sends a cancellation email to [email protected] no later than 2 weeks before the end of the contract period. No cancellation is accepted beyond this date.

Rogue BJJ Tx will send a reminder through email around 1 month before the end of the contract period. The member is responsible for their own cancellation, even if the reminder email is not received.

Cancellation and refund policy

We will not issue refunds after a membership charge has been processed without 2 weeks written notification via email prior to due date.

Chargeback Prevention Policy

Customer understands and agrees that in the event the Customer initiates a chargeback and/or merchant dispute with their issuing bank for the services they have received and in fact owe payment for, and the Customer is successful in recovering the disputed funds that would otherwise be owed to the Business, the Business will make every effort to provide documentation to the issuing bank that the Customer did receive any and all products or services, including this policy. Further, the Business reserves the right to issue an invoice to Customer for any and all products or services that Business has sold and delivered to Customer. Customer hereby agrees to pay the invoice in full in the event that a chargeback dispute is initiated. Should Customer fail to make appropriate payment, Business shall pursue any and all available legal and equitable remedies available by law.

Membership Holds

Membership holds are discouraged but accepted on a case-by-case basis. Membership holds may not last longer than 2 months. All membership holds require a $50 hold fee. No exceptions. Requests for membership holds must be sent in writing to [email protected] no later than 2 weeks prior to the membership hold start date for the request to be considered and properly recorded.


This membership entitles the usage of the

Rogue BJJ Tx gym facility, equipment, and services. This membership is personal and cannot be shared.


Prices are subject to change; however, notice will be communicated at least 2 months before the price change is implemented.


By entering into this contract, I recognize and agree to the use of any videos or photos taken of me and/or my children within the gym premises or during services or class associated with

Rogue BJJ Tx for marketing and promotion purposes including, but not limited to social media marketing, online and print advertising, and on our website.

Code of Conduct

The member shall respect the behavioral and operative principles and follow them on all occasions. This includes, but is not limited to:

Be respectful of all members and visitors to

Rogue BJJ Tx Wear appropriate and clean attire and maintain proper hygiene at all times. Behave in a friendly and respectful manner towards the other members in the gym as well as the staff.

Rogue BJJ Tx reserves the right to cancel your membership without notice if you commit a material breach of this agreement including, but not limited to, a breach of the gym rules, abuse or threatening behavior or vandalism or other illegal activity.

We may cancel your membership with immediate effect if:

You have breached any terms and conditions of this agreement. Membership fees or other charges remain unpaid 7 days after the due date. A breach is not remedied by you within seven days, after being notified by us

Academy Attire

Proper athletic attire must be worn while using the fitness centers. Athletic pants/shorts and academy gis or NoGi attire are considered appropriate attire. Shirts or rash guards should cover the full chest, back, and lower torso area (no sports bras only). Jeans or regular street clothes are not permitted during training. Gi’s and athletic clothing must be clean and free of odors.

Food and Beverages

We do not permit food or beverages on the mat area at any time. Students may drink water or athletic drinks off the mat during class break times, or as needed. A water foundation is located in the facilities if you do not choose to bring water with you.

Fire Alarms

If at any time, a fire alarm sounds, immediately evacuate the building. If you are inside the academy and a fire alarm sounds, then you must immediately leave the academy through the nearest exit door and remain outside until it is deemed safe to enter.

Guests and Visitors

Visitors are allowed to join or view our classes when their purpose is to train and be a part of the academy. Adults who are not related to attending children or who are not viewing with their child(ren) are not permitted to watch kid’s classes outside of waiting for the following class in the last 15 minutes. If you are approached and do not have a purpose to be at the academy during a kid’s class, we reserve the right to ask you to leave the premises and return during the time of your next class.

Health and Safety

If you are sick with a cold, the flu, or any other contagious illness, we ask that you do not train in our classes to avoid putting yourself and other members at risk. Training in our classes while sick can increase the chances of injury and affect the health of other students training in our classes.


To avoid ringworm and other unwanted bacteria, we thoroughly sanitize our mats multiple times a day with bleach. In the case that a student bleeds on our mats, we supply first aid and sanitize the affected area of our mats. If you are bleeding, please do not ignore it. Use our first aid kits to sanitize and cover the bleeding scab, wound, etc. To be courteous of your fellow training partners, we ask that you come to class in clean attire and be free of odors.


All students (or parents of students under the age of 18) are required to sign a liability waiver prior to attending our classes. This waiver states that you are aware of the inherent risks of training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and accept the risks associated. Participation in our classes is reliant on your understanding and acceptance of the risks, and by participating, you are agreeing that you accept the responsibility of and understand the risks. If you do not accept the responsibility of said risks associated with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, we do not permit you to join our classes.